The liver is an organ that has an important function in the process of digesting food and detoxifying the body from toxic substances. Impaired liver function, can trigger a decrease in stamina to a more dangerous impact.
Impaired liver function can be caused due to hereditary factors inherited by one or both parents. Impaired liver function can also occur when exposed to hepatitis virus infection, drug poisoning, rare enzyme abnormalities, fatty liver, abnormalities in the immune system, to excessive alcohol consumption.
Symptoms that arise
The most common thing that is felt if liver dysfunction occurs is chronic fatigue. Other symptoms such as full stomach, abdominal pain and stomach appearing to swell, nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite. Other symptoms appear on the skin and eyes, in the form of easy bruising, itchy skin, and yellowing of the skin and eyes. Swelling can also generally occur in the legs and ankles. The color of urine will get darker. Conversely, the color of the stool actually becomes pale or bloody bowel movements occur, even looking very dark in color.Examination Performed
If you experience these symptoms, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately to get the right treatment. Your doctor may recommend recommendations for examining liver function in the form of:Alanine Transaminase (ALT)
Alanin Transaminase (ALT) which is often known as Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT), is an enzyme that is useful in the process of protein metabolism in the body. If the liver does not function properly, ALT will be released into the blood so that the ALT levels in the blood can increase. If the test results show high ALT levels then the possibility of liver function disorders can occur.
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is an enzyme found in several parts of the body such as the heart, liver, and bile ducts. If the AST test is done and the results are high, this might be a sign of impaired liver function. But to be sure, your doctor may recommend an AST test accompanied by an ALT test for more accurate results. AST is also known as SGOT (Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase).
Bilirubin test
In tests that show high levels of bilirubin in the body, the possibility of impaired liver function can occur.
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme found in bones, bile ducts, and liver. If the ALP test is done and the results are high, this might be a sign of impaired liver function, bile duct obstruction, or bone disease.
Albumin is the main protein produced in the liver. If albumin levels in the body are low, this might be a sign of impaired liver function.
Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT)
This examination is often done to complete the examination of liver function, because an increase in GGT levels can indicate liver damage that is usually caused by the use of alcohol, drugs or poisons.
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