Tingling usually occurs in the legs or arms, to any part of the body including the head. Now, if the head tingling, it could be a symptom of the following diseases.
Tingling can occur in any part of the body, whether on fingers, hands, arms, or feet. Tingling can occur if we stay quiet for a long time in the same position, if there is a depressed nerve, or because of the blood supply to parts of the body that are pins and needles. If you often feel pins and needles, but in the head, it can be a sign of certain diseases, both mild and serious.
Various Conditions Cause for Head Tingling
Migraine headaches are usually felt only on one side of the head. In addition to tingling, migraine headaches can also be accompanied by a variety of other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or being sensitive to sound and light. Most medical experts believe that migraines are caused by dilation and narrowing of the arteries in the head. These changes affect blood flow in the brain and surrounding tissue.
Tingling head can also occur if you are under stress, especially stress classified as acute, where symptoms develop quickly and do not last long. Acute stress can be obtained if you experience sudden stress or stress such as a serious accident, death of a relative, or a victim of a disaster. In addition to head tingling, other symptoms of acute stress are feeling anxious, insomnia, lack of excitement, unstable emotions, nightmares, wanting to be alone, fast heart beat, dizziness, nausea, chest pain, stomach ache, and difficulty breathing. Head tingling and various symptoms of acute stress usually do not need treatment, but if it persists for more than one month, it is advisable to see a doctor.
Occipital neuralgia
In the spine, precisely in the upper neck, there are two nerves lined up from the spinal cord to the scalp. If one of them is experiencing interference, one side of the head (usually the right) will feel pins and needles like electric shock and prickling for a few seconds or minutes. In addition to tingling of the head, occipital neuralgia is also characterized by pain behind the eyes, pain when moving the neck, scalp pain when touched, and sensitive to light.
Cranial neuropathy
This condition is a condition where there is damage to the cranial nerves. Generally, cranial neuropathy is caused by certain diseases such as diabetes, or because of an injury to the head. Complaints can be tingling accompanied by pain, facial muscle weakness, and an uncomfortable sensation in the head.
Mild stroke
A mild stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) is an early sign of a stroke. Mild stroke symptoms are similar to strokes, the difference is that the symptoms of a stroke occur only temporarily and usually disappear within 10-20 minutes. Head tingling, sudden difficulty walking or difficulty maintaining balance, sudden confusion or not understanding easy words, sudden difficulty speaking, sudden changes in vision, and tingling on one side of the body are characteristics of mild strokes. If you suddenly experience these symptoms, immediately go to the hospital emergency room to get help as soon as possible.
If you experience a tingling head that is quite frequent, do not hesitate to go to the doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment that is right and fast.
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