Liver tumors are divided into benign and malignant tumors. Management of benign liver tumors usually requires treatment in the form of surgical removal of tumor cells. Meanwhile, malignant liver tumors require more aggressive treatment in the form of chemotherapy to kill cancer cells.
The liver is the largest organ located in the upper right abdomen. The function of the liver is very important in filtering the blood to keep it clean and get rid of toxins or waste substances from the blood. Another important task is to store energy in the form of sugar (glycogen) and produce bile to break down food in the digestive tract.
Know Your Liver Tumors Further
Liver tumors are divided into benign (benign) liver tumors that do not have cancer cells and malignant liver cancer where there are cancer cells. Common types of benign liver tumors include hemangiomas, hepatocellular adenomas, and nodular focal hyperplasia. Malignant liver tumors that in some cases can occur such as hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma. Cancer can appear or grow directly in the liver called primary liver cancer. Meanwhile, liver cancer cells that spread to other parts of the body are called secondary liver cancer. Here are the types of liver tumors that commonly occur along with the right way of handling:Hemangioma
Hemangiomas are non-cancerous lumps that grow on the inside or surface of blood vessels in the liver. Liver hemangiomas have no symptoms or require special treatment. Although there are no cancer cells, liver hemangiomas are quite dangerous when attacking babies. Diagnosis of the disease can be done before the baby is six months old. In this case, surgery to remove the liver hemangioma can be done to avoid complications.
Hepatocellular adenoma (hepatic adenoma)
Liver adenomas are rare benign liver tumors. The tumor mass will be monitored because it can get bigger, bleeding occurs and turn into cancer cells. If the adenoma is more than 5 cm in size, the doctor will usually recommend surgery to remove the tumor.
In women, doctors may ask to stop taking contraceptive pills or anabolic steroid drugs. Then do an examination with ultrasound and give alpha fetoprotein serum to patients who have not performed the tumor removal procedure. If bleeding is suspected, the doctor can take emergency measures with arteriography and embolization to control the bleeding.
Nodular focal hyperplasia
Nodular focal hyperplasia is a benign liver tumor that also often occurs besides hemangiomas. This tumor has no symptoms but generally makes sufferers complain of pain in the upper abdomen. Examination of nodular focal hyperplasia is done via CT scan or MRI. The doctor will watch and wait for the development of the tumor that determines the next treatment action.
Hepatoma (hepatocellular carcinoma)
Hepatoma is a type of primary liver cancer that is common. This cancer is usually found in people with Hepatitis B and cirrhosis. In some patients, hepatoma is found accidentally in routine health checks, or after the appearance of symptoms marked by pain, discomfort in the upper abdomen, loss of appetite, fatigue and jaundice. Management of hepatoma is surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, ablation techniques, and systemic treatment.
Cholangiocarcinoma is a cancer that forms in the ducts. The bile duct connects the liver to the gallbladder and small intestine. This cancer usually strikes people over 50 years. Management of cholangiocarcinoma can be surgery, liver transplantation, radiation therapy, photodynamic therapy, chemotherapy, and bile drainage.
Preventing Liver Tumors
Maintain liver health by taking precautions in a number of ways.- Avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks.
- Get the hepatitis vaccine.
- Consuming coffee is believed to reduce the risk of liver disease, although further research is still needed on its benefits in protecting the liver.
- Begin to live a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.
- Avoid the consumption of drugs that have side effects for the liver. Also be aware of the ingredients contained in food supplements and herbal medicines. The liver which is often exposed to these substances can also be damaged because it exceeds the limits of its workload.
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